
Module for managing disks and blockdevices


Return block device attributes: UUID, LABEL, etc. This function only works on systems where blkid is available.

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.blkid
salt '*' disk.blkid /dev/sda
salt.modules.disk.dump(device, args=None)

Return all contents of dumpe2fs for a specified device

CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash

salt '*' disk.dump /dev/sda1
salt.modules.disk.hdparms(disks, args=None)

Retrieve all info's for all disks parse 'em into a nice dict (which, considering hdparms output, is quite a hassle)

New in version 2016.3.0.

CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash

salt '*' disk.hdparms /dev/sda
salt.modules.disk.hpa(disks, size=None)

Get/set Host Protected Area settings

T13 INCITS 346-2001 (1367D) defines the BEER (Boot Engineering Extension Record) and PARTIES (Protected Area Run Time Interface Extension Services), allowing for a Host Protected Area on a disk.

It's often used by OEMS to hide parts of a disk, and for overprovisioning SSD's


Setting the HPA might clobber your data, be very careful with this on active disks!

New in version 2016.3.0.

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.hpa /dev/sda
salt '*' disk.hpa /dev/sda 5%
salt '*' disk.hpa /dev/sda 10543256

Return inode usage information for volumes mounted on this minion

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.inodeusage
salt.modules.disk.iostat(interval=1, count=5, disks=None)

Gather and return (averaged) IO stats.

New in version 2016.3.0.

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.iostat 1 5 disks=sda

Return partition information for volumes mounted on this minion

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.percent /var

Resizes the filesystem.

CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash

salt '*' disk.resize2fs /dev/sda1
salt.modules.disk.smart_attributes(dev, attributes=None, values=None)

Fetch SMART attributes Providing attributes will deliver only requested attributes Providing values will deliver only requested values for attributes

Default is the Backblaze recommended set ( (5,187,188,197,198)

New in version 2016.3.0.

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.smart_attributes /dev/sda
salt '*' disk.smart_attributes /dev/sda attributes=(5,187,188,197,198)
salt.modules.disk.tune(device, **kwargs)

Set attributes for the specified device

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.tune /dev/sda1 read-ahead=1024 read-write=True

Valid options are: read-ahead, filesystem-read-ahead, read-only, read-write.

See the blockdev(8) manpage for a more complete description of these options.


Return usage information for volumes mounted on this minion

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.usage

Remove the filesystem information

CLI Example:

salt '*' disk.wipe /dev/sda1