salt.sdb.vault module

Vault SDB Module


New in version Carbon.

This module allows access to Hashicorp Vault using an sdb:// URI.

Like all sdb modules, the vault module requires a configuration profile to be configured in either the minion or master configuration file. This profile requires very little. In the example:

  driver: vault
  vault.port: 8200
  vault.scheme: http  # Optional; default is https
  vault.token: 012356789abcdef  # Required, unless set in environment

The driver refers to the vault module, refers to the host that is hosting vault and vault.port refers to the port on that host. A vault token is also required. It may be set statically, as above, or as an environment variable:

$ export VAULT_TOKEN=0123456789abcdef

Once configured you can access data using a URL such as:

password: sdb://myvault/secret/passwords?mypassword

In this URL, myvault refers to the configuration profile, secret/passwords is the path where the data resides, and mypassword is the key of the data to return.

The above URI is analogous to running the following vault command:

$ vault read -field=mypassword secret/passwords
salt.sdb.vault.get(key, profile=None)

Get a value from the vault service

salt.sdb.vault.set(key, value, profile=None)

Set a key/value pair in the vault service