salt.states.junos module

State modules to interact with Junos devices.

These modules call the corresponding execution modules. Refer to junos for further information.

salt.states.junos.call_rpc(name, args=None, **kwargs)

Executes the given rpc. The returned data can be stored in a file by specifying the destination path with dest as an argument

    get config:
- call_rpc
            - args:
  - <configuration><system/></configuration>
  - dest: /home/user/rpc_data.txt

name: the rpc to be executed.

args: other arguments as taken by rpc call of PyEZ

kwargs: keyworded arguments taken by rpc call of PyEZ


Executes the CLI commands and reuturns the text output.

show version:

name: the command to be executed on junos CLI.


Commits the changes loaded into the candidate configuration.

commit the changes:

name: can be anything


Gets the difference between the candidate and the current configuration.

get the diff:

name: can be anything

salt.states.junos.file_copy(name, dest=None)

Copies the file from the local device to the junos device.

    - file_copy
    - dest: info_copy.txt

name: source path of the file.

dest: destination path where the file will be placed.

salt.states.junos.install_config(name, **kwargs)

Loads and commits the configuration provided.

    - install_config
    - timeout: 100

name: path to the configuration file.

keyworded arguments taken by load fucntion of PyEZ

salt.states.junos.install_os(name, **kwargs)

Installs the given image on the device. After the installation is complete the device is rebooted, if reboot=True is given as a keyworded argument.

    - install_os
    - timeout: 100
    - reboot: True

name: path to the image file.

kwargs: keyworded arguments to be given such as timeout, reboot etc


Rollbacks the committed changes. .. code-block:: yaml

rollback the changes:

name: can be anything

salt.states.junos.set_hostname(name, commit_changes=True)

Changes the hostname of the device.

device name:
    - set_hostname
    - commit_changes: False

name: the name to be given to the device

commit_changes: whether to commit the changes

salt.states.junos.shutdown(name, time=0)

Shuts down the device.

shut the device:
    - shutdown
    - time: 10

name: can be anything

time: time after which the system should shutdown(in seconds, default=0)


Resets the device to default factory settings.

reset my device:

name: can be anything