salt.modules.nxos module

Execution module for Cisco NX OS Switches Proxy minions

For documentation on setting up the nxos proxy minion look in the documentation for salt.proxy.nxos.

salt.modules.nxos.cmd(command, *args, **kwargs)

run commands from __proxy__ salt.proxy.nxos

function from salt.proxy.nxos to run
positional args to pass to command function
key word arguments to pass to command function
salt '*' nxos.cmd sendline 'show ver'
salt '*' nxos.cmd show_run
salt '*' nxos.cmd check_password username=admin password='$5$lkjsdfoi$blahblahblah' encrypted=True

Return system information for grains of the NX OS proxy minion

salt '*' nxos.system_info